This character has made a long journey in the multiverse of Mortal Kombat. Liu Kang started as a simple Shaolin monk who was pretty reluctant to demonstrate his strength in the fights. Even traditional MK fatalities were kind of obscure for him, sticking to the non-violence principle. But being surrounded by evil opponents changed the guy a lot. Liu Kang came through transformation — to face various villains and protect the Earthrealm in the best way possible.
Many fighting skills have been developed by the former monk. Those miraculous and very dangerous abilities were meant to protect people. But at some point, they became deadly for humanity — thank goodness, Liu Kang eventually returned to his heroic personality.
The first notable feat of this character is his participation and victory at the Mortal Kombat tournament. The destiny of the whole Earthream was decided during those bloody fights, and Liu Kang managed to defeat the evil forces of Outworld.
Could the hero return to his monk life? Nope! Liu Kang took a new path. The greatest Earthrealm Champion has become the eternal God of Fire and the Keeper of Time.
With such mind-blowing roles, Liu Kang has much more effective tools for reaching his important goal — to protect people and the Earth itself. Resetting the very timeline for this? Sure, let’s do this!
Liu Kang is the moving power for the rebirth of everything in Mortal Kombat. The characters got a chance to live different lives and become different personalities. Some awful events can be avoided, but may we prevent all unexpected disasters? The story of MK1 is going to reveal this new history. And the role of Liu Kang remains crucial, as one who started this and one who actively participates in the game events.
Liu Kang is filled with compression to other living beings, and he tries to protect them. His whole life and path in Mortal Kombat reflect this. From a monk to the Champion and God of Fire — this progress comes from a kind heart.
As a character in Mortal Kombat games, Liu Kang is aggressive, following a rather rushdown style. His tools are pretty versatile, so you will find many interesting offensive options with the God of Fire.
Even when his eyes are glowing with magic light, you can see the human origins of Liu Kang. He was a Chinese monk and master of martial arts, and this training is nicely reflected in his fit body. Liu Kang has grown his hair long and filled his whole appearance with determination to save realms.
Birthdate: Unknown
Birthplace: Earthrealm (Henan Province, China)
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: Black
Fighting Style: Jun Fan, Karate, Pao Chui, Jeet Kune Do, Choy Lay Fut, Monkey, Dragon, Luohan Quan
Debut Game: Mortal Kombat
Availability: Base Game