The story of Jun Kazama might be one of the biggest mysteries in Tekken 8. Originally, a wildlife surveillance officer, Jun came from the island of Yakushima to Tokyo to investigate Kazuya Mishima and his involvement in the smuggling of protected animals. Jun sensed some mysterious power that surrounded Kazuya, so she entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament to stop the smuggling and free Kazuya from whatever bad influence he had.
During that time, they became really close, and while Kazuya was busy dealing with his father, Heihachi, Jun came back to Yakushima and gave birth to Jin. She raised him and taught them their family style of martial arts.
However, on Jin’s fifteenth birthday, she was attacked by Ogre, who was searching for the greatest fighters to defeat them and absorb their abilities. Jin tried to help his mother, but Ogre knocked him out. When Jin came to his senses, he only found the destroyed home. He believed Jun was dead, but that might not be the case. Now, when the final battle between her son and her lover emerges, and the world’s fate is to be decided, there won’t be a better time to step in.
Jun is a mysterious figure who also symbolizes purity. She loves animals and has a peaceful persona. She is able to suppress the Devil Gene, and her spirit power is enormous.
She deeply loves her son Jin, with whom they share a really strong bond, but she also cares for Kazuya, as she is able to see through the negative character traits. Will “the ray of hope” stop the world from destruction and bring forgiveness to the story?
Jun is one of the technical characters who excels at defense and turning opponents’ moves against them. She utilizes ki energy to damage her opponents, and her Heat state boosts her attacks.
One of the interesting facts is that Jun is among the tallest female characters in the vast Tekken roster. She wears monochrome clothes that tend to accent both her purity and spiritual power. Also, she prefers practical outfits, especially when spending time doing martial arts. Her black hair is decorated with a white headband or scarf.
Origin: Japan
Age: 44
Weight: 57 kg (126 lbs)
Height: 170 cm (5′7″)
Likes: Her son, Animals, Peace
Dislikes: Devil Gene, Deception, Ogre, Violence
Fighting Style: Kazama-Style traditional martial arts
Debut: Tekken 2
Availability: Base game